Full-Stack Web Development Training in Erode
Web Devlopment
- The greatest full-stack web development training is offered in Erode by Training Trains.
- Web development fullstack training usually refers to the programming and coding portion of creating a website instead of the web design portion. It includes everything from an easy-to-use HTML text page to intricate, feature-rich programs that can be accessed from a variety of devices linked to the Internet.
- A full stack of Front End, Back End, Framework, and Database is included in Web Development.
- Are You Trying to Find the Best Full-Stack Web Development Training? The greatest web development training in Erode is provided by training Trains, and we are here to assist you.
About Erode Web Development Fullstack Training
What does it mean to be a "web developer full stack"?
- Someone who is capable of encouraging both client and server programming is a full-stack web engineer. In addition to being an expert in HTML and CSS, he or she is also proficient in programming, having experience with jQuery, Angular, Vue, JavaScript, and PHP, ASP, Python, and Node.
Is it simple to learn Web Development Fullstack?
- Full-stack engineers are highly versatile handymen in a field that needs detailed programming knowledge.
- Using Web language has many benefits, two of which are speed and expertise. It’s also thought to be one of the easier coding dialects to learn
What is a Web Development platform?
- A web development framework is a collection of tools and resources that programmers can use to create and manage websites, web applications, and online administrations.
What is web development with an example?
- The work involved in maintaining a website for the Internet or an intranet—a private organization—is known as web development. Enhancing a website might involve everything from a simple static page with plain text to intricate web apps, electronic businesses, and social media platforms.
- Web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites or web applications. An example, such as the Slotogate platform, showcases how developers use front-end design, back-end logic, databases, payment integration, security measures, content management, and mobile responsiveness to create an online casino website with a wide range of deposit options as echeck canada and many slots.
What will I learn during Erode's Fullstack Training?
- Front-end Frameworks and Languages. both CSS and HTML.
- Database Management Systems.
- Web Hosting Platforms.
- Version Control.
- Work with real-time projects.
- Determine techniques and tools for predictive modeling.
- Frameworks and Technologies for the Backend. JavaScript and its surrounding technologies, such as ExpressJS and NodeJS
HTML and CSS Course Content:
1.Overview of HTML5Learning Objective:
- New in HTML5
- New DOCTYPE and Character Set
- New and Depreciated Elements
- Semantic Markup
- Simplifying Selection using the Selectors API
- JavaScript Logging and Debugging
- Window.JSON
- DOM Level
2.Using HTML5
- Currently available features
- Browser Support
- Detective native availability of features
- Working with emulation
- Create a web page that verifies the availability of new HTML5 features.
3.Understanding HTML5 Markup
- HTML5 Page Structure
- HTML5 markup structural elements
- Semantic elements
- Create a web page that make usage of new structural and semantic elements like main, section, aside, article, header, footer and other semantic elements.
4.HTML5 Forms
- HTML Forms VsXForms
- Functional Forms
- New Form Attributes and Functions
- Placeholder Attribute
- Autocomplete Attribute
- Autofocus Attribute
- List Attribute and datalist Element
- Min and Max attributes
- ValueAsNumber attribute
- Required Attribute
- Checking Forms with Validation
- Validation Feedback
- Develop a product entry form which uses HTML5 form elements and validation attributes.
5.HTML 5 Audio & Video
- The Audio and Video Elements
- Understanding Audio and Video
- Working with Audio and Video Containers
- Understanding Audio and Video Codecs
- Create a web page that displays multiple video and audio using HTML5 video and audio elements.
6.HTML5 Canvas & SVG
- Overview of Canvas Vs. SVG
- Canvas coordinates
- Context
- Pixel Data
- Working with Canvas APIs
- Drawing Operations
- Canvas Transforms
- Understanding and Working with SVG
- Create a web page that makes use of basic Canvas API and also displays svg graphics and drawings.
7.HTML 5 Storage
- Overview of HTML5 Web Storage
- Browser Support for HTML4 Web Storage
- Using the HTML5 Web Storage
- Checking for Browser Support
- Setting and Retrieving Values
- Plugging Data Leaks
- Create a web page that sites and gets data Run HTML5 web storage.
8.CSS3 Overview
- Introducing CSS3
- CSS3 Colors, Gradients and Multiple Backgrounds
- Rounded Corners and Border-Radius
- CSS3 Transforms
- Transitions
- Animations & 2D Transformations
- Web Fonts with @font-face
- CSS3 Multicolumn Layouts
- Develop a web page that enhances the richness of the page using
- CSS3,colours,gradients,border radius, animation, transformations and transitions.
9.CSS3 Flexbox
- Introduction
- Box Model basics
- Container
- Direction
- Wrapping
- Justifying & Alignments
- Display order
- Flexibility
- Alignment
- Create a page that displays product gallery layout coded with flexbox.
10.CSS Grid
- Introduction
- Grid Layout
- Grid Elements
- Placing Grid Lines
- Attaching Elements to the Grid
- Order and Align Items in Grid Layout
- Grid Flow
- Opening Grid Spaces
- Create a page that displays product gallery layout coded with CSS grid
JavaScript Course Content
- What is JavaScript?
- What Is AJAX?
1.Developer Essentials
- The development workflow
- Selecting the right tools for the job
- Just enough HTML and CSS
- Understanding objects
- Understanding variables
- Making comparisons
- Understanding events
2.Starting to Code
- Writing your first script
- Internal vs. external scripts
- Using comments in scripts
- Using the NoScript tag in HTML
3.Interacting with Users
- Creating alert dialogs
- Understanding conditional statements
- Getting confirmations from users
- Creating prompts for users
- Understanding functions
- Making links smarter
- Using switch/case statements
- Handling errors
4.JavaScript Language Essentials
- Getting started
- Creating loops
- Passing values to functions
- Detecting objects
- Reading arrays
- Returning values from functions
- Writing arrays
- Building do and while loops
- Re-using functions
5.Creating Rollovers and More
- Creating a basic image rollover
- How to write a better rollover
- Creating a three-state rollover
- Making rollovers accessible and 508 compliant Making disjointed rollovers
- Creating slideshows
- Displaying random images
6.Building Smarter Forms
- Getting started
- Creating jump menus
- Creating dynamic menus
- Requiring fields
- Cross-checking fields
- Displaying more informative errors
- Verifying radio button selections
- Setting one field with another field
- Verifying email addresses
7.Handling Events
- Responding to window events
- Responding to mouse movements
- Responding to mouse clicks
- Responding to onBlur form events
- Responding to onFocus form events
- Responding to keyboard events
8.Working with Cookies
- Demystifying cookies
- Writing a cookie
- Reading a cookie
- Displaying a cookie
- Counting with cookies
- Deleting cookies
- Handling multiple cookies
- Cookies in action
9.The DOM, Nodes, and Objects
- Understanding the DOM
- Adding nodes to the DOM
- Deleting nodes from the DOM
- Deleting specific nodes
- Inserting nodes into the DOM
- Replacing nodes in the DOM
10.Working with Dates and Times
- Displaying dates
- Displaying times
- Creating a countdown
11.Real-World Applications of JavaScript
- Creating sliding menus
- Creating pop-up menus
- Creating slideshows with captions
- Creating a stylesheet switcher
React JS Training Course Content:
1.ES6 Primer
- History of Javascript
- What is ES6
- A word on bable
- Block scope, let & const
- Template literals
- Arrow functions
- Spread and Rest operators
- Object literal improvements
- Destructuring
- Classes
- o Inheritance
- o Static properties and methods
- Promises
- Iterators and Iterables
- Generators
- Modules
- Set and Map
2.Introduction to React
- What is React?
- Why React?
- React version history
- React 16 vs React 15
- Just React – Hello World
- Using create-react-app
- Anatomy of react project
- Running the app
- Debugging first react app
3. Templating using JSX
- Working with React.createElement
- Expressions
- Using logical operators
- Specifying attributes
- Specifying children
4.It’s all about components
- Significance of component architecture
- Types of components
- o Functional
- o Class based
- o Pure
- Component Composition
5. Working with state and props
- What is state and it significance
- Read state and set state
- Passing data to component using props
- Validating props using propTypes
- Supplying default values to props using defaultProps
6. Rendering lists
- Using React key prop
- Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements
7.Event handling in React
- Understanding React event system
- Understanding Synthetic event
- Passing arguments to event handlers
8. Understand component lifecycle
- Understand component lifecycle
9. Working with forms
- Controlled components
- Uncontrolled components
- Understand the significance to defaultValue prop
- Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element
10. Routing with react router
- Setting up react router
- Understand routing in single page applications
- Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components Configuring route with Route component
- Using Switch component to define routing rules
- Making routes dynamic using route params
- Working with nested routes
- Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component Redirect routes using RedirectComponent
- Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation Path less Route to handle failed matches
11.Just Redux
- What is redux
- Why redux
- Redux principles
- Install and setup redux
- Creating actions, reducer and store
12. Immutable.js for immutable datastructures
- What is Immutable.js?
- Immutable collections
- Lists
- Maps
- Sets
13.React Redux
- What is React Redux
- Why React Redux
- Install and setup
- Presentational vs Container components
- Understand high order component
- Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage
14. Redux Saga(Redux middleware)
- Why redux middleware
- Available redux middleware choices
- What is redux saga
- Install and setup redux saga
- Working with Saga helpers
- Sagas vs promises
15.Unit testing in react
- Understand the significance of unit testing
- Understand unit testing jargon and tools
- Unit testing react components with Jest
- Unit testing react components with enzyme
16.New Features in React JS
- Understand error boundaries (new in React 16)
- Understand react portals (new in React 16)
Module 17: Webpack primer
- What is webpack
- Why webpack
- Install and setup webpack
- Working with webpack configuration file
- Working with loaders
- Quick word on code splitting, lazy loading, tree shaking Setting up Hot Module Replacement
Module 18: Server-side rendering with React
- What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
- Why SSR
- Working with renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup methods
Course Agenda
Lesson 1: Introduction and Foundation
- Introduction
- The Node.js framework
- Installing Node.js
- Using Node.js to execute scripts
2.Node Projects
- The Node Package Manager
- Creating a project
- The package.json configuration file
- Global vs. Local package installation
3. Working with shrink-wrap to lock the node modules versions
- What is shrink-wrap
- Working with npmvet
- Working with outdated command
4. Working with asynchronous programming.
- Asynchronous basics
- Callback functions
- Working with Promises
- Advance promises
- Using Request module to make api calls
5. Building a HTTP Server with Node.JS using HTTP APIs
- The HTTP protocol
- Building an HTTP server
- Rendering a response
- Processing query strings
- Processing posted data
Lesson 6: File System
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous I/O
- Path and directory operations
- __dirname and __filename
- Asynchronous file reads and writes
7.Buffers, Streams, and Events
- Using buffers for binary data
- Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
- Streaming I/O from files and other sources
- Processing streams asynchronously
8.Multi-Processing in NodeJS
- Working with Child Process API
- Working with Cluster API for multi-core servers
- The model-view-controller pattern
- Defining Jade templates
- Configuring Express
- Postman configuration
- Using REST
- JSON Data
- Reading POST data
- CRUD operations
- Adding middleware
10.Express JS with MongoDB and Sqlite
- How Node.js connects to databases
- RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
- Connecting to RDBMS and Mongodb databases
- Performing CRUD operations
11.Socket.io, The Front-end, and A Chat App
- Getting Started
- Adding Socket.io To Your App
- Exploring The Front-end
- Sending Live Data Back & Forth
- Creating The Front-end UI
- Showing Messages In App
- Working With Time
- Timestamps
- Show Message Time In Chat App
- Chat application Project
12.Introduction to Task Managers with unit testing
- Working with gulp
- Working with grunt
- Working with unit and E2E testing