Public Cloud

A public cloud is a type of cloud computing service that delivers computing resources, such as virtual machines, storage, and networking, over the internet to a wide range of users. In a public cloud, the infrastructure is owned, operated, and maintained by a third-party cloud service provider. These cloud providers make resources available to the public on a pay-as-you-go or subscription basis.

Public Cloud Tools

Amazon Web Services (AWS):

  1. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud):

    • Description: Virtual servers in the cloud for scalable computing capacity.
  2. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service):

    • Description: Object storage service for scalable and durable data storage.
  3. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service):

    • Description: Managed relational database service supporting multiple database engines.
  4. Amazon Lambda:

    • Description: Serverless computing service for running code without provisioning or managing servers.
  5. Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud):

    • Description: Networking service providing isolated virtual networks within the AWS cloud.
  6. Amazon IAM (Identity and Access Management):

    • Description: Identity management service for securing and controlling access to AWS resources.
  7. Amazon CloudWatch:

    • Description: Monitoring service for AWS resources, providing logs, metrics, and alarms.
  8. Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service):

    • Description: Container orchestration service for managing and deploying Docker containers.

Microsoft Azure:

  1. Azure Virtual Machines:

    • Description: On-demand scalable computing resources with virtualization support.
  2. Azure Blob Storage:

    • Description: Object storage service for large amounts of unstructured data.
  3. Azure SQL Database:

    • Description: Fully managed relational database service.
  4. Azure Functions:

    • Description: Serverless compute service enabling event-triggered code execution.
  5. Azure Virtual Network:

    • Description: Networking service providing isolated and securely connected Azure resources.
  6. Azure Active Directory:

    • Description: Identity and access management service for Azure.
  7. Azure Monitor:

    • Description: Comprehensive monitoring service for Azure resources.
  8. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS):

    • Description: Managed Kubernetes service for container orchestration.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP):

  1. Compute Engine:

    • Description: Virtual machines for running applications on Google’s infrastructure.
  2. Cloud Storage:

    • Description: Object storage service for scalable and secure storage.
  3. Cloud SQL:

    • Description: Managed relational database service.
  4. Cloud Functions:

    • Description: Serverless compute service for executing event-driven functions.
  5. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC):

    • Description: Networking service for creating a logically isolated section of GCP.
  6. Identity and Access Management (IAM):

    • Description: Access control and identity management service.
  7. Stackdriver:

    • Description: Monitoring, logging, and diagnostics service for GCP.
  8. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE):

    • Description: Managed Kubernetes service for containerized applications.

Public Cloud Syllabus

Introduction to Cloud Computing

  • Definition and characteristics of cloud computing
  • Cloud service models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
  • Deployment models: Public, private, hybrid, and community clouds
  • Key benefits and challenges of cloud computing

Overview of Major Public Cloud Providers

Module 1: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

  • Introduction to AWS
  • Overview of AWS global infrastructure
  • Core AWS services and use cases

Microsoft Azure

  • Introduction to Azure
  • Overview of Azure regions and data centers
  • Core Azure services and use cases

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

  • Introduction to GCP
  • Overview of GCP global infrastructure
  • Core GCP services and use cases

Core Services in Public Clouds

Module 1: Compute Services

  • Virtual machines (EC2, Azure VMs, GCE)
  • Serverless computing (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, GCP Cloud Functions)
  • Auto-scaling and load balancing

Storage Services

  • Object storage (S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage)
  • Block storage (EBS, Azure Disk Storage, Persistent Disks)
  • Database services (RDS, Azure SQL Database, Cloud SQL)

Networking in Public Clouds

  • Virtual networks and subnets
  • Network security groups and firewalls
  • Load balancing and CDN services
  • Hybrid cloud networking considerations

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • IAM fundamentals
  • Role-based access control
  • Identity federation and single sign-on
  • Best practices for secure access management

Security and Compliance in Public Clouds

  • Data encryption and key management
  • Network security best practices
  • Compliance considerations (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)
  • Cloud security tools and services

Monitoring and Management

  • Cloud monitoring tools (CloudWatch, Azure Monitor, Stackdriver)
  • Logging and audit trails
  • Resource tagging and cost management
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles

DevOps Practices in the Cloud

  • Integration of cloud services with DevOps
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Configuration management (AWS OpsWorks, Azure Automation, GCP Deployment Manager)
  • Containerization and orchestration (Docker, Kubernetes)
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