Full Stack Training

Block Chain Training in Erode


Blockchain overview:

Blockchain is a technique for storing data that makes it difficult or impossible for outside parties to alter, hack, or manipulate the system. A distributed ledger, or blockchain, is a network of computers that replicates and disperses transactions amongst themselves.
Blockchain is a shared, unchangeable ledger that makes it easier to track assets and record transactions in a network of businesses. An asset can be intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding) or tangible (a house, car, money, or land). On a blockchain network, almost anything of value can be tracked and traded, lowering costs and risk for all parties.

What Education I Will Receive:

  • Use blockchain and bitcoin concepts in professional settings.
  • Create, evaluate, and implement safe smart contracts.
  • Develop Hyperledger Blockchain applications using Composer Framework
  • Utilizing Composer API, create front-end (client) applications.
  • Create a business network application for Hyperledger Fabric Composer (not the infrastructure)
  • View real-world Blockchain and mining examples.
  • Utilize the Ethereum Blockchain to create engaging Blockchain applications.
  • Utilize the most recent version of the Web3 v1.0 Ethereum development tools.
  • Create models for the Blockchain applications using the Composer modeling language.
  • Leverage Composer REST Server to design a web-based Blockchain solution
  • Recognize the real intentions and potential of Solidity and Ethereum
  • Explain each of the Peers, Orderer, MSP, and CA components that make up Hyperledger Fabric Technology.


Introduction to Cryptocurrency

  • Cryptography and Crypto-currency
  • Digital Signatures
  • Hash pointers and data structures
  • Peer to peer networks (structured and unstructured)

Overview of blockchain

  • Introduction to Blockchain and its Origin
  • How blockchain works
  • Blockchain terminologies, Distinction between databases and blockchain, Distributed Ledger
  • How bitcoin achieves decentralisation
  • Types of blockchain

Core Layers of blockchain

  • Data Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Consensus Layer

Mechanics of blockchain

  • Introduction to Bitcoin and its usage
  • Blockchain Data structures
  • Bitcoin transactions, Blockchain block structure
  • Scripting language in bitcoin
  • Nodes and network of bitcoin
  • Limitations and Improvements

Crypto coins consensus Models 

  • How to store and use bitcoin
  • Hot and cold storage
  • Splitting and sharing keys
  • Online Bitcoin Wallets and exchanges
  • Multisig wallets

Extending blockchain

  • Why Extend the Blockchain?
  • Blockchain Objectives, Altcoins, Colored Coins, Side Contracts
  • Private blockchains

Technology of blockchain – Ethereum Network

  • Limitations Of Bitcoin & The Birth Of Ethereum
  • Why Decentralization
  • What is Ethereum
  • Ethereum Use cases
  • Ethereum Vision
  • Ethereum Mining
  • Ethereum Supporting Protocols.
  • Transactions in Ethereum
  • Consensus Algorithm in Ethereum
  • Ethereum Technology Stack
  • Ethereum Virtual Machine
  • Smart Contracts, DAOs and DAPPS
  • Future Of Ethereum

Blockchain use case

  • International Payments
  • Record and Identity Management
  • Providence – Real Estate , Digital assets
  • Internet of Things

Emerginf trends and prospects of the blockchain 

  • Emerging Trends in Blockchain
  • Transactions limitations
  • Additional Blockchains
  • Hyperledger
  • XRP
  • Blockchain and cloud computing

The Advantages of Training in Blockchain

Blockchain technology has the potential to change a number of industries, including real estate, insurance, finance, and the public sector. Professionals with strong Blockchain expertise and familiarity with cryptocurrencies are therefore in high demand right now. Among the leading sectors are:

  1. Banking and financial services
  2. Financial and banking services
  3. Insurance
  4. Cloud storage
  5. Travel and transportation
  6. Energy
  7. Media and entertainment
  8. Automotive
  9. Government and public sector
  10. Healthcare and life sciences


Reasons for selecting Training Trains.

Companies would use blockchain technology more than they do now, and blockchain talent would be in high demand. Take advantage of this fast-paced industry by enrolling in our top-notch blockchain training in Erode. Our true strength lies in our highly skilled and experienced professional trainers who have practical industry experience. We provide:

• Online and offline classes
• Classes with Live projects
• Theoretical and practical classes
• 100% placement assistance
• Guidance in resume preparations and mock interviews
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